Thank you for coming to Walkathon where


STUDENT FUNDRAISING is happening NOW until Sunday Oct 13! All students are challenged to raise $250 each to support Springer PTA. Grades will compete for participation awards & the entire school earns a popsicle party if we reach our $25,000 goal!

CHECK THE LEADER BOARD and read more below.

Walkathon doesn’t happen in a day! Thank you to the team who made it happen and ALL the volunteers!

Ravenna Connolly, Chair

Susan Boyle

Kaitlin Buchanan

Lavanya Conjeevaram

Yasmin Datta

Kimmi Fletcher

Brooke Lopez

Sabrina Lichtenstern

Jonathan Mooser

Marina Nazarova

Marzena Neichwiej

Apurva Oka

Alison Finegersh

Marah Herbach

Laurie Kameni Ngassa

Megan Knight

Madhuri Kotagiri

Priya Rajaraman

Arun Sudhindra

Antonio Tyler

Sarah Weitz

Martina Whalen

Amy Wu


The one time of year our STUDENTS get involved in supporting THEIR school.  Please help your children create their student fundraising page and share it with your friends and family so they can take pride in supporting Springer.

Collaborate with your child to personalize their page with photos, videos, and their words about their school. This is a chance for our students to set a goal and work toward it. A default goal of $250 per student has been set and you can raise or lower it.

Each student should join their Grade Team to compete for participation rewards.

Once your student’s page is ready, you’ll share it with your family and friends near and far so they can support your child’s school! Remember to send them all photos from Walkathon!

PLEASE WORK WITH YOUR STUDENT on this as a learning experience!

Grades will compete for participation awards and the entire school earns a popsicle party if we reach our $25,000 goal!

Thank you to our amazing community sponsors!